Does your business look and feel like the vision you have for it?

what does good look like - business visions
What Does Good Look Like?

Many businesses have a gap between what they want their business to look like and how it actually works.

Are you looking for a way to improve your business operations, but in a really practical step-by-step way that quickly targets your current issues?

Or, do you find that the day to day operations in your business just don’t line up with your vision for a better business and you want a way to change this?

‘What Does Good Look Like?’ offers a simple and pragmatic approach to both of these issues and offers even more in the process.

New habits are easier said than done…

‘What Does Good Look Like?’ was written for those of you that witness inefficiency in your business and experience Groundhog Day all too often.

The book accepts that selling ‘discipline’ is easier said than done and offers a range of suggestions to change your results in ways other than just forcing new habits.

Embracing the ideas in this book, and especially the haunting question of ‘What Does Good Look Like?’ can help you to transform your business’ day to day operations, its effectiveness and overall performance and systematically move you towards your overall business vision.

Defining a vision and making change happen

The book is broken down into two main parts.

Part one: Four methods to define what good looks like – even if you don’t know exactly what you need to change you will be able to find an approach that will help you paint a picture of a better tomorrow for your business.

Part two: How to put your new vision in place and manage change every day. This section includes guidance and methods to develop ‘killer questions’, instil effective habits, improve your planning and implementation for the required changes and also ensure you achieve tangible results.

‘What Does Good Look Like?’ is designed to help you converge your day to day experience with the goals and vision you have for your business.

Are you ready to get started?

Get your copy today and witness just how powerful the question ‘What Does Good Look Like?’ really is.